Monday, November 13, 2006


Use the stairs, fatass

One of my biggest pet peeves at work involves people who refuse to use the stairs when travelling to the floor just above or just below their location. We all know that those who take the elevator just one floor are either injured or handicapped or lazy sons-o-bitches who care more about keeping on their Dunkin Donuts weight than allowing other people to get to where they are going without annoying delay. Or, put more simply, they are "inconsiderate d-bags and losers (and the occasional injured person)."

These people bother me so much that I've been known to mutter profanity barely under my breath, roll my eyes and let out lough sighs and groans to show my displeasure. I've even been able to exact a few appologies from people who know they're being lazy but just hope no one calls them on it. Well, I call them on it because its bullsh*t.

The culprits? At my office, at least, its mostly women. Its also more the secretaries and other support staff than the professional/managerial employees. Invariably, although not exlcusively, its people who really could use the exercise that a few stair climbs would provide.

What do I conclude from all this? Nothing really. I just hate the people at work who take the elevator just one floor. Use the f**king stairs, fatass.

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Welcome to "I Hate People at Work Who . . .," a blog created to provide a safe haven to b*tch about your co-workers anonymously. The blog is open to submissions of stories about a person or persons at work who you just can't stand, for whatever reason. It can be specific, like the how the guy in the cubicle next to you talks in "baby talk" to his girlfriend and sends you to the verge of hanging yourself every afternoon, or it can be more general, like the lazy sh*ts who take the elevator to go one floor and keep you in a hot crowded elevator those extra seconds before your smoke break. In other words, it can be about one co-worker or a class of co-workers.

Please include all the details to make the story interesting and conclude it by filling in the blank at the end of "I hate the people at work who __________. Please don't include the name(s) of your co-worker(s) and leave out your employer's name while you're at it (we'd rather not get sued!) Keep it fun! Keep it interesting!

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